Tupela go long Stop n Shop
Wanpela was long narapela
Tupela go long Stop n Shop
Tupela i no tingim tupela yet
I no long ais krim
I no long loli
Tupela go long Stop na Shop
Tupela go long Stop n Shop
Spit i go na kam pinis
Tupela go long Stop n Shop
Go baim bret bilong wanpela pren
Tupela i no tingim tupela yet
I no longtaim
Tupela i kam bek
Na go stret long fidim bebi pisin
They (The two of them) went to Stop n Shop
One looking out for the other
They (the two of them) went to Stop n Shop
They (the two of them) are not concerned about themselves
Not for ice cream
Not for candies
They (The two of them) went to Stop n Shop
They (The two of them) went to Stop n Shop
They went quickly and came back
They (The two of them) went to Stop n Shop
To buy bread for a friend
They (the two of them) are not concerned about themselves
A short time later
They returned
And went straight to feed the baby bird
Stori bilong tupela skul pikinini i stap long haus long skul holide na lukautim wanpela bebi pisin we i bin pundaun na bagarapim lek bilong em. A poem about two school children at home during the school holiday, nursing a baby pigeon who had fallen and injured its feet.