Is 'paining' an English word? Nope. Not in British, North American or Australian English.
Have you ever heard it used before? Maybe.
What was the speaker's age? What region or province was the speaker from?
Chances are, the word 'paining' and other such words are a common mistake amongst children who are still learning English in schools. Another possibility is that such words are vocabulary belonging to a type of English spoken in PNG. Let's call it PNG English for now.
Finally, I can add on to this one paragraph blog post. Today I came across a post on Facebook by Scott Waide, a PNG journalist commenting on his child's English. The child used the word 'quicking'. Other facebook users also reported their case of funny English words such as 'tighting shoes' (tightening shoe laces) and 'wakeuping' (waking up).
These were all cases of children's English.