Tok Pisin is growing. As Tok Pisin speakers interact with English, new words are borrowed and used to express Papua New Guinea's current reality. As translators, it is our job to express this reality accurately and clearly. Trying to use old words instead of current spoken forms can only serve as a barrier and promote an image of Tok Pisin as old and irrelevant in this time and age, when in fact, the total opposite is true. Tok Pisin is alive and well and it is the writing and spelling aspect of it that needs to catch up.
So, in order to contribute to that catching up, new transliterations will be shared on a monthly or bimonthly basis here to
providing spelling references
encouraging word spelling discussions
Please contact us if you have any new transliterations to share or have suggestions about the new transliterations posted here.
English | Tok Pisin |
tune | tiun |
frequency | frikwensi |
same | seim |
travel | travel |
nursery | neseri |
average | everij |
category | kategori |
allergic | alejik |
culture shock | kalsa sok |
homesick | homsik |
sex | seks |
sexual | seksuel |
rape | reip |
scam | skem |
screen | skrin |
society | sosaieti |
fine | fain |
