In my first post, I described my Standard Translation Style Guide which are standard practices that the client and the reviewer will expect me to follow.
In my second post, I described my translation and review process.
In this third post, I will describe a challenge and how I resolved it. This challenge and others, altogether will become part of my Project Translation Style Guide, informing the client on the rationale behind word or phrase selection and use.
The word 'advocacy' is a key word in the document because it is the topic and it occurs often throughout the document.
English definition of 'advocacy' (noun), the public support for a cause.
It's Tok Pisin translation is 'sapot' (noun).
Challenge 1 When do I transliterate it as 'edvokesi' and when do I use the word 'sapot'?
Strategy 1: Identify key words and phrases to transliterate and when to transliterate.
Strategy 1 (a) Compound Noun Strategy - Transliterate the word when it is part of a compound noun
Use 'edvokesi' when it is part of an English compound noun.
English : It is also intended for broader advocacy organizations who want to prioritize indigenous people's rights
Tok Pisin: Na tu, em i bilong ol bikpela edvokesi oganaisesen husat i laik luksave long raits bilong ol asples manmeri
2. Use 'sapot' when it is used as an independent single noun and not part of a compound noun.
English : Defining your advocacy aim.
Tok Pisin: Tokaut klia long as tingting bilong sapot bilong yu.
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